Sunday, July 12, 2009

When There Aren't Bubbles, There are Troubles...

As in, what is going on with my sauerkraut experiment???

The instructions say that I should be skimming the brine each day for the next couple of weeks. I don't see anything to skim as of this morning (Day 3). So, I'm a bit concerned.

However, I do have some pictures of the process so far to share.

This is the cut cabbage that has been mixed with salt to soften a bit before going into the crock.

Here the cabbage has been transferred to the crock where it will now live for the next few weeks -- assuming all goes as it's supposed to. Inside there is a plate weighting down the cabbage with a ziploc bag filled with water to weigh things down.

And, here we have tidy little home of my fermenting (I hope) cabbage.

As things develop, I will keep you posted!

Food & Kisses, GiGi

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