I was excited to see that amongst the restaurant-vendors was a booth for Quintessence which hails from NYC and is a place I've wanted to visit for a long time. At least I was able to sample some of their food. In addition, when one chef didn't show for a demonstration, Chef Dan from Quintessence filled in at the last second and I was able to hear some of his story and the philosophy behind the restaurant.
I learned last year to hit the vendor area early as things sell out and was able to snap this pic:
This young man is hacking open young coconuts so that attendees can drink the yummy coconut water inside. This liquid is said to be very pure and is also used as an IV fluid in some developing countries where medical saline is unavailable. The line to get the coconuts was pretty long so I skipped on this -- also, every once in awhile, I go on a young coconut jag at home and I just recently finished up a bunch.
I attended a number of food preparation demonstrations during the day and one very lovely suprise was the demonstration given by a woman named Linda Carter whose name I didn't recognize. In addition, the program reflected that she was demonstrating apple cake. All of that sounded pretty ho-hum, but it was pretty hot and sticky by that time and I wanted to sit in the cool air conditioned area of the food demo room. Linda turned out to be great -- funny and laid back. I got a picture of her doing her thing:
Now, to go off topic for a moment: I love butterflies. At one point during the day, I was walking back to the food demo area, and this guy was hanging out waiting to have his pic taken:
I'm sure regular readers of this blog can guess how this day ended for me: After enjoying quite a bit of raw vegan food during the day, I went home and ate ribs!
Food & Kisses, GiGi
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