See, I could never be this guy, but I want to!!!
It's been a long day. Workout at 6:00 AM this morning. Put away laundry and unloaded dishwasher. Cleaned the litter box and then took a shower and went to work for a board meeting. Conference call scheduled for 5:00 PM didn't start until almost 6:00 PM. Got out of work around 6:30 PM. Returned phone calls on the way home. Finally dinner at 7:30 PM. Not much of a dinner -- I confess it was Lean Cuisine tonight (I do like the Tortilla Crusted Fish). Then, spent a little time cleaning up my desk. Ready to work on my cookbook project when I remembered I really need to get back into the blogging habit. So, here I am with a quick post.
As far as Food & Kisses goes, here's what is on my mind:
(1) I am possessed with my cookbook work. I'm making good progress. Feel focused and directed, BUT it is taking time away from knitting and I have so much knitting backed up.
(2) I am still mourning the passing of Gourmet magazine. Grief washed over me in waves again when I went to my mailbox and got the November issue. Here I thought my October issue was the last one. I guess this is the last one. BUT what is with the little cards advertising for new subscriptions??? Surely, they knew by the time this went to press that the handwriting was on the wall. And, if you read my Gourmet post, you know that I'm still kicking myself over old issues I threw out a ton of years ago...yes, I'm still fretting over that.
(3) What pies should I make for Thanksgiving? Help me out here. I believe there will be only four of us. Right now, we are averaging one pie per person: Pumpkin, Cherry, Pecan, and Coconut.
(4) When will my farm share come to an end? I think it's sometime next month. Even though it creates extra pressure to have to make sure to use everything up, I will miss it. I know that when January comes around and it's time to make the commitment, I will send in my payment and start wishing for June to arrive. And, I think I will do two different farms next year. Yes, I'm crazy like that.
(5) I am the Dr. Jekyl/Mr. Hyde of the vegan world: One minute eating my raw vegan green smoothies and pumpkin seed granola and then chowing down on a ribeye steak (I swear that happened just yesterday).
(6) I haven't had a glass of wine in 2.5 weeks but who is counting? On one hand, I like feeling more alert in the morning, but on the other, I am never going to be like the chap pictured above on the beach.
(7) I love Seven Stars yogurt. Run, do not walk, to your health food store to see if you can get it. The maple flavored one is amazing.
(8) Right now, I am dehydrating celery which I am going to grind into a powder as a salt substitute. I will let you know how that goes.
(9) I'm going to Miami this weekend on a business trip and having dinner with co-workers one night. If I were left to my own devices I would go to a place that specializes in ceviche, but they all want to go to a steak house...I'm sure it will be good, but the ceviche joint would have been more of an adventure.
(10) Why did I have to be born beautiful instead of rich? I mean, really, is it fair that I have to work and can't just play in my kitchen to my heart's delight. There's just never enough time...but...
(11) I'm baking a ton of Christmas cookies this year. I've already started thinking about which ones: Iced Gingerbread, Brazil Nut Cookies, Peanut Butter Balls, Double Chocolate Chip, Iced Cutouts for starters.
(12) I found out today that there is an updated Tasajara cookbook. I adore the original so of course, I immediately threw the new one in my Amazon shopping cart. In the next few days, I'm sure I will press the check out button on that. I'm an Edward Espe Brown fan!!
(13) Well, here we are, my last and final food-related thought of the night -- my current death row meal: oysters rockafeller from the Grand Central Oyster Bar, steamed lobster, rack of lamb (in this fantasy I have more stomach capacity), potatoes au gratin, asparagus with hollandaise (and I don't get sick from overly-rich food), grilled romaine caesar salad from Olives in Las Vegas, a bottle of Pauillac, and chocolate mousse.
Food & Kisses, GiGi
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